
These are some variations on a graphic I recently came up with. I’ve always been fascinated with black and white art.  Most of the imagery associated with punk rock that I grew up with was bold and simple, and came from a sort of do-it-yourself/grass roots mentality (i.e., it costs more to print in color […]

hi-fi skater

This is an illustration I started a while back but was just never happy with the colors.  I finally sat down and played with it for a couple hours tonight and came up with a scheme that I’m content with.  You might have to be a fellow vinyl hound to appreciate it- most of the people […]


My friends, Tom and Mary Connor got me hooked on Barry’s tea.  I’ve always been more of a coffee drinker but it can be too harsh on the stomach to drink in the late afternoon or evening so it’s typically a morning habit for me.  I have often looked forward to a cup of tea from Mary’s kitchen […]

Double Decker

With all the electronic technology we have today, I still find myself in awe of some of the simple mechanical inventions that came before computers, iPods, and cell phones. I am a big fan of records; there’s something special in the hi-fi vinyl sound that just isn’t heard on CD and MP3. The other day […]


Jessi and I bought a couple pieces of metal wall art that we liked but felt like they needed something between them to complete the look on the wall so I got out my camera and shot this picture of my mandolin. The colors in the photo were similar to the colors of the other […]