In Honor Of

In Honor Of…

Do the names we give to people, places, and things actually bestow meaning upon them? Or does a name ultimately assume its meaning from that which it identifies? I believe it to be, in most contexts, a complex mixture of both. These are just a few of the questions I was asking as I reflected […]
Salton Sea boat on land by Johnny Kerr


I made this image on my California road trip in January. When I saw this boat—which seemed permanently stranded on land, some 25 yards from the sea—it immediately spoke to me. It inspired me to write a haiku: When I went into the commercial art profession as a graphic designer I became burned out after […]


In February 2017 I exhibited 13 of my prints at {9} The Gallery for a my show, STILL. The images in this show were made between October 2014 and January 2017. Artist Statement: Solitude is an essential part of an introvert’s well-being. Authentic interaction with individuals and small groups is also necessary and edifying. Nevertheless, I need time alone to […]