Cotton at Sunrise

I went out to watch the sun rise this morning and brought my camera with me.  Each year around this time I can’t help but be infatuated with the texture of the cotton fields surrounding my home and no matter how many times I photograph them I keep finding myself pointing a camera there. f/8, […]

Object Study

I gave my high school students an object study  assignment requiring them to bring an inanimate object from home to photograph.  One of my students brought in this 1960′s vintage Panasonic radio and left it overnight so I couldn’t help but study it a bit myself. This one was actually taken with one of the […]

Creative Pet Portrait 2

Here’s another from the creative pet portrait set.  I couldn’t decide which of the two I liked better so I’ll post them both.

Solar Field

Made this one driving home from work the other day. This is the SRP plant off 75th Avenue and Northern. The field of solar dishes always catches my eye. It’s almost surreal seeing them arranged in rows as if they were planted and are growing there like the surrounding corn and cotton fields.

Creative Pet Portrait 1

While I do love my dogs, pet glamour shots are just a bit too cheesy for my taste.  I played around today with some alternate solutions to a pet portrait. Why a pet portrait?  I don’t know, just looking for different subject matter to explore.

Self-Portrait Study 2

More experimenting with studio lighting.  This one was rendered using a single light to the side of my face.  This is not a flattering setup for a baby face such as mine but it was a worthwhile exercise nonetheless.  I adjusted the levels in photoshop to tweak the midtone contrast just a bit but the […]

Self-Portrait Study (shudder)

So I guess it’s only fair as a photographer to get on the other side of the lens now and then. As much as I hate to have my picture taken I needed to do a study in studio lighting. This is my first time doing a self-portrait as well as my first time using […]


Prescott is riddled with Ravens.  This one in particular didn’t fancy having its picture taken; it was located perhaps 30 feet above me in a tree – well out of harms way –  yet it seemed quite bothered by my presence.  I had my lens zoomed in as far as it could go and the shot […]


Here’s another moment from the streets of Prescott. A few of the city’s transient occupants gathered in the park.

Gutter and Leaves

Nothing profound to say about this one; I just snapped it while standing around waiting for the Salvation Army thrift store to open in downtown Prescott.  I found the textures and lines interesting enough to make an exposure.