Salton Sea boat on land by Johnny Kerr


I made this image on my California road trip in January. When I saw this boat—which seemed permanently stranded on land, some 25 yards from the sea—it immediately spoke to me. It inspired me to write a haiku: When I went into the commercial art profession as a graphic designer I became burned out after […]


In February 2017 I exhibited 13 of my prints at {9} The Gallery for a my show, STILL. The images in this show were made between October 2014 and January 2017. Artist Statement: Solitude is an essential part of an introvert’s well-being. Authentic interaction with individuals and small groups is also necessary and edifying. Nevertheless, I need time alone to […]
Salton Sea Black and White long exposure landscape photography by Johnny Kerr


As I prepare for my upcoming solo exhibition, I’ve been reflecting on the work I’ve created over the last two-and-a-half years that will be included in the show. Solidarity is my most recent image, and Lonely is one of the oldest in the show, going back to November 2014. I’ve come to realize how my outlook has changed […]
Come Together bridge architecture street sign photography by Johnny Kerr

Come Together

If I could share only one image right now, one message to my fellow countrymen and women, it would be this: Come Together. I don’t typically try to communicate a social or political message in my work. I primarily create art in pursuit of beauty. I let it transform my life and mind through the daily act of […]
Industrial Landscape by Johnny Kerr

Four Twenty-One

I foolishly convinced myself a few years ago that there was nothing of interest to photograph within city limits unless I was exploring architecture downtown. I like images that are timeless and there are just too many things (cars, businesses, signs, etc.) to date a photograph when shooting in a modern city. Don’t even get me started on […]
Pier Decay Lake Erie Long Exposure Photography by Johnny Kerr

The Deception of Simplicity – Part 2

In my previous post I attempted to convince you that a simple, well-designed composition is more elegant than primitive. In this post I will use one of my own photographs as a case study to examine the complexity and infinite potential in what some may consider to be a simple or even obvious composition. I’ll be referring to my […]
Phoenix Orpheum Gargoyle by Johnny Kerr

The Deception of Simplicity – Part 1

Although I wouldn’t label all of my work as minimalist, it is heavily informed by many of the same principles. Perhaps this comes from my background in graphic design. I appreciate the elegance of minimalism in the same way an engineer would appreciate the simplicity and efficiency of a well-designed machine with no redundant or extraneous parts. However, minimalism seems to be a style that […]
Huntington Park, Lake Erie, Ohio by Johnny Kerr

2015: Two Gains & A Lesson Learned

I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. By nature I am very introspective and analytical so when I discover a need for transformation in my life, I immediately begin revising my habits toward that end. I don’t wait for a specific mark in time to begin, and I usually don’t advertise it. Still, […]

Expectations and The Downfall of Joy

Every now and then I am surprised to find myself learning a lesson that I thought I had previously learned. As a teacher I often find it necessary to review previously-taught material with my students that may have been taken for granted, or even forgotten as they focused on learning new lessons. I suppose it […]

The Value of Vulnerability

  Photograph by Johnny Kerr I wrote last week about the vulnerability of exposure. I’ve since spoken with a few individuals who read my post and took the word “vulnerable” in a negative context so I want to start today by clarifying that vulnerability is something I greatly value. Vulnerability and intimacy are both things that challenge […]