Natalie 5

This is my last image from this session (those of you following my Instagram feed (@johnnyhifi) probably already saw the iPhone version of this same scene).  I am very pleased with the resulting images.  I almost always find myself (when doing portrait work) giving the model direction for specific poses or expressions but just about […]

Tough as Nails

My previous portraits of Natalie show the grace and beauty of a dancer. I took this one to show that dancers are also tough as nails.  I am amazed by the control and talent executed by these artists/athletes. 5D Mk III with Macro 100mm f/2.8L IS USM lens. ISO 100, f/8.0, 1/500 sec.

Descending Grace

While there is definitely a place for posed portraits, I always prefer to capture a more natural moment if I can. I really like the subtle implication of movement in this one. The position of her feet shows that she has grace and control of her movements. 5D Mk III with Macro 100mm f/2.8L IS […]

Natalie 2

So many good shots from this set I’m having trouble choosing which to post.  I really like this one anyway. 5D Mk III with Macro 100mm f/2.8L IS USM lens. ISO 100, f/4.0, 1/4000 sec.


This shot was part of a collaboration with my wife.  She had a vision for a painting and wanted me to take a reference photograph for her so she set up a meeting with this talented young woman, Natalie and this is the result.  I’m excited to see what my wife does with it as she […]

Zach 2

There’s nothing like sitting by the fire and catching up with an old friend over a cup of coffee after a long flight from Chicago to Phoenix! This was an unplanned shoot that happened spontaneously.  I didn’t have a light kit and it was pretty dark in the room so I did the best I […]


I have an idea for the next Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue and it goes like this (haha!). This is my brother-in-law, Zach.  For Christmas I made him this ridiculous (-ly awesome) sock puppet as a gag gift.  A few days later we went to Prescott to visit my father-in-law and at some point we found ourselves in […]

Fall Exit

I kept going back and forth on whether or not to post this one.  It is a little busier than I like my compositions to be but something about it kept my interest.  It definitely doesn’t work in monochromatic because the Fall colors are the only thing that separate the mass of foliage detail that makes […]

Fall Colors

One of the challenges that photographers have to overcome is learning to see tonal values in color.  Regardless of whether you shoot in full color or monochromatic a good composition should have contrast.  When I stood here considering how I would make this picture I knew right away there were two things I wanted to capture: First, […]

The Other Way

I climbed up to this vantage point while hiking in Sedona for the purpose of getting a different shot.  While up there I happened to glance the opposite direction and caught this.  Sometimes it’s good to look both ways. 5D Mk III with 24-105mm f/4.0L IS USM lens. ISO 100, f/9.0, 1/200 sec.