It’s a couple weeks overdue but here is a shot I took of Zoe in her Easter Dress at Verrado (in Buckeye, AZ) a few weekends ago. I’ve neglected my blog for the last month so I figured it’s time to get posting again.
I was pleased to get a message from my cousin, Danah Zoulek letting me know that she was passing through town and inviting me to come play photography with her. She lives in Wisconsin and this was the first time I’ve seen her in probably 12-15 years. Oddly enough our interests seem to align even though our lives haven’t been very connected during that time. The last time I saw her I was in high school and just happened to bump in to her at a night club in the swing dance circuit. Here 15 years later we still find common ground in that we’re both full-fledged photography nerds!
Although I will always enjoy taking pictures of my family, I’ve never desired to get into the business of family portrait photography. My passion is definitely found in fine art photography but I have a lot of respect for people who can make a successful business out of their craft while providing quality images that capture special memories for families. I just don’t have the business sense or level of commitment to make something like that into a business so I’ll leave it to those who are passionate about it and good at it! Danah is one of them. In a day and age where everyone is a bloody photographer (in the loosest sense of the term) I see in Danah someone who has taken the time to learn the craft of photography, both technically and artistically. I’m glad to give a shout out to a fellow professional so check out her stuff at if you ever need newborn, family, or high school senior portraits!
5D Mk III with 70-200mm f/2.8L II USM lens. ISO 400, f/2.8, 1/250 sec.