I was asked to put together a small poster for an upcoming local concert. This one isn’t anything terribly special as I was on a very tight time constraint but it came out nice enough.
This is Douglas. His rare species was first discovered by Scot-French botanist, Jacques McKraken in the late 1800’s and there have only been three verifiable sightings since. As is the case with Nessie and Bigfoot, the number of reported possible sightings is too great to count. The Evergreed species are very good at disguising themselves as common coniferous […]
I have a very creative job but I still rarely get very excited about the things I’m working on. More often than not I’m creating art for people who are not artistic yet think they can write the book on graphic design because they’ve seen enough of it (not accounting for quality). Much of the […]
According to my calendar, autumn started back in September. According to my senses it’s just about coming around… now. I was just checking out the 10 day forecast and it looks like this will be our first full week with high temps under the 80’s here in AZ. Still summer weather for most climates but […]
I created this graphic for a friend as sort of a branding to be used throughout his published project for his doctorate. His project includes an appendix which was created to be a resource for staff pastors who experience abrupt senior pastor transition (i.e., the senior pastor position suddenly becomes vacant due to death, disgrace, division, etc.). The […]
Jessi and I went with a friend and took a tour of Taliesin West last Saturday and it was absolutely amazing and inspiring. It was a much needed experience as I’ve been completely bogged down lately with school and work. I am in the middle of my teacher certification courses and have spent the last couple of […]
Séamus Ennis was an Irish piper, singer and folklorist, born in Dublin in 1919. He died the same year I was born, in 1982. The image I created here is based on a picture of Ennis which was featured on an lp album cover for his 1959 release, The Bonny Bunch of Roses. The text is […]