To The Point
May 13, 2013
Image number seven in my abstract architecture series is To The Point (see THIS post for series intro). This one was a simple design choice for me; I loved the symmetry, texture, shape, pattern, and how everything in the photograph ultimately leads to the tip of the roofline, placed just slightly in from the edge of the frame. […]
May 10, 2013
Here is the sixth image from my abstract architecture series (see THIS post for the series introduction). I’ve titled this one, Web. While studying this building and figuring how I wanted to abstract it I decided that the thing I liked most about it were the strong vertical lines and the semicircle loop pattern going up, […]
Sky Diving Board
May 7, 2013
On to the fifth image of my abstract architecture series (see THIS post for the series introduction) I am calling this one Sky Diving Board. Why? My friend and co-worker, Denise was telling me that she liked one of my images and was describing it to me as “the one with the diving board sticking out between […]
May 6, 2013
This is the fourth image in my abstract architecture series (see THIS post for the series introduction). I’ve been racking my brain on this one for a couple weeks and I just can’t come up with a title for it. Nothing comes to mind (meaning my mind doesn’t draw any imagery associations) even though I really do […]
May 3, 2013
Continuing with my new abstract architecture series (read the introductory post HERE) I have titled this one “Owl” because… well, that’s what I see when I look at it! I must have snapped dozens of frames at this location because I was really drawn to the curved lines and forms and really wanted to make something of […]
May 2, 2013
Continuing with my abstract architecture series (see THIS post for introduction), I couldn’t really think of a clever title for this one so I just called out its dominant element. I was very drawn to the lines of this building and I took time to consider how I wanted the lines to interact within the frame. I love […]
April 29, 2013
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been working in monochromatic a lot lately. I’ve also discovered a subject matter/genre combination that resonates well with me and I’ve been having fun exploring that. The next series of images I’m planning to post will consist of architectural elements presented in an abstract way; that is, stripping the architecture […]
Railway Tunnel
April 25, 2013
I’ve been working in monochromatic quite a bit lately; I seem to go at this in waves. I think it’s good practice every now and then to take color out of the equation and see how effective your composition is when stripped down to its basic elements. I see black and white photography used too often to “save” a photograph […]
Zoe Crawling at Verrado
April 25, 2013
It’s a couple weeks overdue but here is a shot I took of Zoe in her Easter Dress at Verrado (in Buckeye, AZ) a few weekends ago. I’ve neglected my blog for the last month so I figured it’s time to get posting again. I was pleased to get a message from my cousin, Danah […]
Self Promotion
April 8, 2013
I’ve spent a lot of time over the last year and a half honing my photography skills, taking it more seriously as an art form than I had in years past. As a result I have deepened my understanding of the craft, gained valuable experience and created a handful of images that I’m very pleased with. I […]